U. S. Postal Service Proves Anything Can Be Art

Music's grasp on society and culture is everywhere so for the second installment of The Musical Art Gallery let us take a brief look around the world to see how music has inspired other forms of art.

There are statues of Stevie Ray Vaughan in Austin, Texas, one of Michael Jackson on the Thames River in London, England, not far from Tower Bridge and The Tower Of London, and one of Freddy Mercury in Montreux, Switzerland. New York City's Central Park has a special garden dedicated to John Lennon named after his Beatles song, "Strawberry Fields." There is the gigantic mural painted on the wall of a building located at the main downtown intersection of Winslow, Arizona dedicated to the Eagles/Jackson Browne song, "Take It Easy." The wall in Winslow has already been written about here and I may cover some of the others mentioned above in the future.

Today, though, I'm featuring United States postage stamps. Some of you may have snickered or yawned when you read that statement, but don't. While you may never think of stamps as works of art some really fine music related paintings have been issued on American postage. Many would be suitable for framing if they were ever issued in sizes big enough to do so. Here are a few.

All stamps are © USPS. All Rights Reserved.

The biggest selling stamp in the history of The United States is this one featuring Elvis Presley. Before it was issued the public was given a choice between a picture of a jump-suited, Las Vegas era Elvis or the cool, 50s rock & roll rebel. My vote went to the winner seen here.

This is a very suave portrait of The Chairman in his prime.

Here is a stamp of an early radio.

Finally, here is one of the Gershwin brothers.


  1. Very fun post! Thanks for doing it.

  2. Despite not being an Elvis fan, I do think that stamp is pretty cool looking.


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